What is Stotles Expert?

Ideal for complex needs and big growth ambitions using deeper integrations, better insights, & more support

Along with everything within Stotles Growth, our Expert plan offers the following:

  1. Advanced Teaming Tools for Multiple Teams, Territories, & Verticals: With these tools, you can efficiently manage and coordinate sales efforts across different teams, geographical territories, and industry verticals. This includes features for collaboration, communication, and data sharing among team members, as well as tools for segmenting and targeting specific markets or regions. The aim is to ensure that sales efforts are aligned and optimised across the entire organisation, maximising coverage and impact.

  2. Custom CRM and API Integrations: We support you in the integration with your existing CRM and potentially any required API integration, please speak to one of our Sales or CS members to find out more.

  3. Custom Reporting & Analyst Research: With our Expert plan you can benefit from tailored reporting and research services, which provide deep insights into market trends, buyer behaviours, and competitive landscapes. These custom reports and analyses are designed to support strategic decision-making, helping your organisation to understand their position in the market and identify opportunities for growth and improvement. Find an example of one of our account briefings here.

  4. Full-service Customer Success Customer Objective Reviews (CORs), Training, & Support: Our comprehensive support framework ensures that you can maximise the value that you derive from the Stotles platform. It includes regular reviews of your objectives and success metrics, personalised training sessions for teams, and ongoing support to address any challenges. The goal is to ensure that you are are fully equipped to leverage the Stotles platform effectively and achieve your sales and growth objectives.

Find a full-break down of our plans, here.