Supplier Intelligence

Dive deeper into our comprehensive coverage of your competitive landscape & partner opportunities.

What do you get?

Access to comprehensive coverage of companies awarded contracts by UK & I public sector buyer organisations, including:

  • Supplier Profiles: visibility into existing buyer relationships including top buyers supplied, sectors covered and contracts awarded

  • Supplier Tracking: monitor competitor and partner activity in the public sector, including insight into upcoming contract expiries

  • Supplier Search: find information on key competitors / partners quickly and easily with advanced supplier search filters

  • Framework data: see what suppliers are listed under frameworks and the success that the suppliers have been having


What you can do with it

  • Track competitor and partner activity in your feed

  • Deep dive search for competitor history

  • Identify partners with pre-existing relationships with target buyers


Learn more about leveraging competitor data:

The Competitors dashboard enables a quick view into known competitor activity across the public sector.

  • Key accounts - understand where your competitors are connected with saved buyers, including direct contract awards and mentions in historic procurement activity.

  • Notices - explore all mentions of your competitors in historic pre-tenders, tenders and contract awards.

  • Contract expiries - identify mentions of your competitors in upcoming contract expiries, including where they are named as the awarded supplier and where they’ve been referred to in the title or description of a record notice.

  • Signals - understand which of your signals are also connected to historic competitor activity

Click on the numbers in your dashboard to drill deeper into the specific opportunities they’re connected to.

You can add new competitors to your dashboard by updating the Competitors list in the signal settings tool.

Save buyers to your key accounts list by clicking on ‘Save buyer’ in the Buyer search tool or via a Buyer profile.


Learn more about leveraging partner data:

Stotles provides users with the ability to explore the nature of existing partner relationships and help to identify potential future partnerships where this is the desired route to market for your product or service.

Once you have entered the names of the partners whose activity you wish to track into your signal settings, navigate to ‘Suppliers > My partners’ to access your partner dashboard.

This will provide you a top level view of partner activity broken down:

  • Key accounts - the number of your key accounts where that partner has been either directly awarded a contract, or mentioned within a procurement notice description

  • Notices (partner signal) - the total number of notices (of all stages) that either return a match for that partner specific signal

  • Notices (keyword signal) - the total number of notices that match one or more of your keywords within the contract description

  • Signals - the full list of signals captured in procurement notices connected to your named partners


Other ways to explore partner relationships

Outside of the Partner dashboard, in our views in the main feed, we can also explore partner activity and find potential opportunities.

  • Use ‘All filters’ and filter by ‘Signals > Partners’

  • Provides a view of all activity across the market where your partners have been awarded contracts or mentioned within tender documentation

  • Useful to understand which markets your partners are most successful in and where potential partnership opportunities within your network may lie.