Spend data

Gain insights into public sector spend data with Stotles. Analyse supplier relationships, competitor rankings, and partner activities to understand budget allocation and identify strategic opportunities.

It is a legal requirement for all public sector organisations to publish their invoiced spend data. This data can be used to provide insights into where organisations have been spending their annual budget in comparison to where awarded tenders suggest money has been spent.


You can see which suppliers are winning the most work and the buyers they have worked with. Additionally , see which of your partners and competitors are most active and who they have relationships with.


Here are the ways you can analyse our spend data:

  • Buyer and Competitor relationships - which buyers are working with your competitors

  • Competitor rankings - which competitors are earning the most in the public sector

  • Buyer and Partner relationships - which buyers are working with my partners

  • Partner rankings - which of my partners are earning the most in the public sector