Accurately track the stages of the sales process as you research and engage with buyers
In order to convert your pipeline you will need to progress opportunities through the stages of the sales funnel. As you begin your engagement and build up the picture of the buyer and the opportunity its important to keep track of stages to help drive the right actions and reach a bid/ no bid decision.
Follow the progress of your opportunities through the pipeline creation stages and pipeline qualification stages before you need to declare an opportunity in your CRM.
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Lets get started:
1. On the home page click on a stage within "Your Pipeline" to navigate to the list of opportunities in that stage.
Alternatively, click on "Opportunities" in your side bar to navigate to the list fo all opportunities.
2. Look at the "Stage" column to see the current stages of your opportunities.
3. Click the "Opportunity Name" that you wish to progress to open the Opportunity view.
4. Click on the "Stage" dropdown to manually change the stage of the Opportunity.
5. Click on a "Stage" to update the Opportunity Stage.
The Stages:
There are 10 Opportunity stages to choose from covering different elements of the sales cycle.
Use these stages to identify where in the sales process your opportunities are and what actions to take next.
Pre-Engagement - To Engage / Nurturing / Meeting Booked
Tender Qualification - To Qualify
Bidding - To Bid / Bid Submitted
Closed - No Bid / Disqualified / Lost
Won - Won
When to move an Opportunity out of Stotles?
You will likely reach a stage when you need to declare an opportunity in CRM for visibility and forecasting to sales leadership once a lead becomes meaningful to your organisation.
For most customers this occurs at the "Meeting Set" and "To Qualify" stages.
Useful tip - before you decide to move an opportunity to your CRM you may want to check if you have completed the following.
a) Have you added all relevant information such as, Contacts, Documents, Suppliers?
b) Have you dug deeper into the Buyer profile to uncover any Buyer / Supplier relationships?
c) Have you collaborated with your team and spoken to 1 or more contacts?
At this stage simply copy and paste, download or export the relevant information from your opportunity to take it to your CRM.