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  2. Stotles Playbooks
  3. Stotles for Business Development Reps (BDRs)

1. Find buying signals

Empower BDRs with Stotles tools to identify and act on relevant buying signals. Utilise dynamic dashboards, contract expiries, and pre-tender notices to engage public sector buyers early and optimise lead management.

Once you’ve finished optimising your signal settings, there are a few tools in Stotles designed to surface relevant buying signals for you.

    • A dynamic dashboard of public sector buyers who are talking about the signals that matter to you; use the filters to refine the list to your territory then click on the data in the table to explore the opportunity in more depth.

    • Action: When you find a buyer you want to explore in more detail, save the buyer to a custom Saved buyers list.


    • Expiring contracts can be a great indicator of future opportunities, often offering insight into when a relevant tender might come to market, on incumbent suppliers and current spend on key services.

    • Using the Upcoming contract expiries view as a base, filter opportunities by theme using keyword signals, or explore your competitive landscape using Competitor signals.

    • Collaboration tools in Stotles can help you to manage your progress:

      • Use the qualification tool to manage leads status in Stotles:

        • Follow up - this opportunity is of interest but needs further investigation

        • Qualified - this is an opportunity you definitely want to progress

        • Not relevant - this isn’t something you want to progress so it should be hidden from your view

      • Share the notice with relevant parties via email - for example, colleagues not in Stotles, or external partners

      • Assign the notice to yourself or a colleague - this will make it easier to collaborate around an opportunity, and to find it again in your feed in future

      • Leave a comment for yourself or others, for example detailing the next steps and who is responsible

    • Action: Where you see a good opportunity that you want to explore in more depth, save the buyer to a custom Saved buyers list.


  • Buyer documents

    • Buyers will often refer to future spending priorities in corporate documents, like annual reports and budget documents, that should be considered strong buying signals for you.

    • Navigate to a buyer profile in Stotles to access the Documents tab; here Stotles will surface the most relevant documents for you to review, based on matches to your signal settings.

    • Action: When you find an opportunity worth exploring in more depth, save the buyer to a custom Saved buyers list.


  • Pre-tender notices

    • Pre-tenders (a.k.a. prior information notices, PINs or market engagement notices) are a signal from buyers that they (i) are considering procuring a product and / or service, and (ii) that they want suppliers like you to help them shape their approach.

    • Using the Open opportunities view as a base, filter to only show Pre-tenders associated with your signals to identify opportunities to engage with prospective buyers early in their decision making process.

    • You can now use the same collaboration tools mentioned above to qualify, share, assign and comment on individual notices.

    • Action: When you find a pre-tender you want to follow up on, save the buyer to a custom Saved buyers list.

Click here to go to Step 2: Qualify & prioritise buyers