Identify prospective partners through historic contract award data

Identify potential partners and understand where known partners have an existing footprint across the public sector.

Scarlett Cinotti avatar
Written by Scarlett Cinotti
Updated over a week ago

Contract award data can be filtered to identify potential new partners by identifying historic awards relevant to your business or through buyers and buyer sectors you’d like to engage with.

You can see who is winning complementary contracts in your space in the “All Activity” view.

  • Go into “All filters” and select “Keywords” underneath the “Signals” section. This filters across all stages to just opportunities that match your keywords.

    • Tip: To get even more specific, you can toggle down within keywords and select specific keywords that match product or service verticals of interest.

  • Under the “Stages” section, deselect all stages excluding “Awarded” to only filter awarded opportunities filtered through keywords.

  • Use the date filters to filter dates of when the awards were published and when they were due to expire.

  • Click on “Edit Columns” and select “Supplier(s)”.

    • You can drag and order the columns however you see fit.

This will pull a list of all suppliers that have relevant awards across the public sector.

Use this list to export and pull a list of top suppliers in relevant awards to identify and prioritise suppliers to establish partnerships with.

Filter further into public sector segments via ‘All filters’ - use ‘Buyer types’ to select a relevant category / sub-category of the public sector, for example ‘Central’ to pull a list of all relevant Central government awards.

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